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Zirconia Silicate

Thermansys produces a broad range of analytical grade, dense Zircon crucibles in various sizes and forms with max operating temperature 1550˚C

Zircon Crucibles

Zirconium Silicate (ZrSiO4) or Zircon has unique and outstanding properties as a refractory material. Zircon crucibles have excellent thermal shock resistant, are remarkably hard and wear resistant, can withstand extremely corrosive environments and have severely lower cost compared to alternative refractories. A notable property of Zircon is also the low thermal conductivity making it a material with high insulation value.

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Chemical Composition

Important Notes

Heating and Cooling Suggestions

Our Zircon crucibles are highly resistant to thermal shock.

There are no special precautions recommended for heat up or cool down for the whole usable temperature range of the material. A maximum heating rate of 15°C per minute is recommended while cool down rates as high as 25°C per minute have been tested without cracks. Specific shapes, like cylindrical and classic form, can be removed from furnace at 1100C directly to atmosphere without cracks. Relative tests have been performed without load.

Atmosphere - Chemical Compatibility - Corrosion

Our Zircon crucibles can be used at high temperature under oxidizing (air), reduced, or inert (Nitrogen, Argon) conditions with no restriction. Zircon is unwetted by molten aluminum, and it withstands molten platinum, platinumrhodium alloys, copper, copper alloys, some enamel frits, and all acid slags. It is also reported to resist the action of metaphosphates, sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, zinc chloride, and potassium chloride at temperatures several hundred degrees above the various melting points. However, zircon crucibles are not recommended for melting strongly basic materials. Zircon crucibles have very good chemical resistance against diluted or concentrated Acids. Zircon is insoluble in water. The almost zero porosity and excellent smoothness of Thermansys t-ceramics crucibles surface prevents chemical attack. Chemical erosion of ceramic materials is not easy to be measured and determined in a way that will lead to accurateand represented scientific data for all shapes and sizes.

Health and Safety

Our ceramic materials, as they are delivered, do not contain substances dangerous to health, or create them during use. They are produced using natural inert raw materials. Any organic binder or other substances used during manufacturing are burned through production firing. Thermansys however cannot guarantee that ceramic crucibles exposed to conditions that could produce residual material or create material transformations retain their health and safety properties upon reuse. 

The product at its final delivery form is fully dense and do not produce dust during normal handling and operation. However, if the customer desires to proceed with further product processes like cutting or drilling inert dust might be created. Workers therefor should be provided with suitable dust protection equipment.

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